The Stoa

A podcast by The Stoa


73 Episodes

  1. Andrew Taggart - Philosophizing in the Age of Total Work

    Published: 4/16/2019
  2. Todd Altschuler - The Philosophical Investigator

    Published: 4/8/2019
  3. Chester Brown and Caveh Zahedi - Friends of Honesty

    Published: 4/2/2019
  4. Caroline Mehl - The OpenMind Platform

    Published: 3/26/2019
  5. Gregg Henriques - A Response to the Problem of Psychology

    Published: 3/18/2019
  6. Alfsvoid - Being Stoic in the Culture War

    Published: 3/11/2019
  7. Luke Archer - Verbal Aikido

    Published: 3/8/2019
  8. Frans de Waal - Alpha Males, Empathy, and Anthropodenialism

    Published: 3/4/2019
  9. Walter Sinnott-Armstrong - Good Arguments, Toxic Talk, and Infinite Regress

    Published: 3/1/2019
  10. Bret Weinstein - Navigating the Culture War

    Published: 2/25/2019
  11. Dave Snowden - The Cynefin Framework

    Published: 2/22/2019
  12. Jordan Hall - The Philosopher Entrepreneur

    Published: 2/18/2019
  13. Chester Brown - Not Paying for It

    Published: 2/15/2019
  14. John Vervaeke - The Meaning Crisis, Perennial Problems, and the Second Axial Age

    Published: 2/11/2019
  15. Glenn Wallis - If You Meet the Buddha on the Side of the Road, Speculate

    Published: 2/10/2019
  16. Robert Talisse - How to Argue in an Age of Unreason

    Published: 2/5/2019
  17. John Nerst - The Erisologist

    Published: 2/4/2019
  18. Sam Vaknin - A Prophecy of the Emergent Religion of Narcissism

    Published: 1/26/2019
  19. Greg Sadler - The Eclectic Philosopher

    Published: 1/24/2019
  20. David Brin - Enraged at Outrage and the Ritual Combat Over Ideas

    Published: 1/18/2019

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The Stoa was once a covered portico where Stoics met to philosophize. Now it’s a digital space, where we can gather and talk about what matters most right now, at the razor’s edge of this moment. Note. This podcast was formerly called the Intellectual Explorers Podcast. Change was on March 26, 2020.