The Writer's Mind with Tyler Mowery

A podcast by Tyler Mowery - Fridays



36 Episodes

  1. Everything is Hollywood - WMP S2E2

    Published: 2/18/2025
  2. Astrology 101 by Tyler Mowery - WMP S2E0

    Published: 10/1/2024
  3. The Final Episode - The Writer's Mind Podcast 067

    Published: 10/15/2021
  4. Love Your Bad Scripts - The Writer's Mind Podcast 065

    Published: 9/30/2021
  5. Finish Your Script Fast - The Writer's Mind Podcast 063

    Published: 9/24/2021
  6. Frugality and Abundance - The Writer's Mind Podcast 061

    Published: 9/17/2021
  7. The Reason People Don't Succeed - The Writer's Mind Podcast 059

    Published: 9/10/2021
  8. Why You Should Repeat Yourself - The Writer's Mind Podcast Episode 057

    Published: 9/3/2021
  9. What Screenwriting Books Get Wrong at Their Core - The Writer's Mind Podcast 055

    Published: 8/27/2021
  10. The Value of Community - The Writer's Mind Podcast 053

    Published: 8/20/2021
  11. Fooled by Randomness - The Writer's Mind Podcast 051

    Published: 8/13/2021
  12. M. Night Shyamalan's "Old" - The Writer’s Mind Podcast 049

    Published: 8/6/2021
  13. The Replication Crisis - The Writer’s Mind Podcast 047

    Published: 7/30/2021
  14. The Revolution of Consciousness - The Writer’s Mind Podcast 045

    Published: 7/23/2021
  15. Secret Government Projects - The Writer’s Mind Podcast 043

    Published: 7/16/2021
  16. Leverage and Time - The Writer’s Mind Podcast 041

    Published: 7/9/2021
  17. What Is Freedom? - The Writer’s Mind Podcast 039

    Published: 7/2/2021
  18. WGA Screenwriter Brooks Elms Interview - The Writer’s Mind Podcast 037

    Published: 6/25/2021
  19. WGA Screenwriter Dominic Morgan Interview - The Writer’s Mind Podcast 035

    Published: 6/18/2021
  20. Dreams and the Unconscious - The Writer’s Mind Podcast 033

    Published: 6/11/2021

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The Writer's Mind Podcast is about thinking, philosophy, writing, and storytelling all within the context of being an intelligent, thinking person who is constantly forming their own opinions and points of view. The Goal of the Podcast is to give writers a deeper look at writing. Writing is not about 3 Act Structure and 12-point script plots like you learn about in film school. Writing is about thinking. It is about building your point of view. It is about expressing your view of the world to others. And it is ultimately about how life should be lived. Looking for the other episodes? Check out the Patreon!