Trade Talks

A podcast by Chad P. Bown


203 Episodes

  1. 161. Why sharing patents for COVID-19 medicines is not enough

    Published: 6/26/2022
  2. 160. How Putin’s war could disrupt global food supplies

    Published: 3/15/2022
  3. 159. How Biden and Europe settled Trump’s steel and aluminum tariffs

    Published: 11/8/2021
  4. 158. How America responded to its PPE shortage

    Published: 10/11/2021
  5. 157. Europe’s Trade Policy and Open Strategic Autonomy

    Published: 9/27/2021
  6. 156. Tackling climate change with a carbon border adjustment mechanism

    Published: 7/25/2021
  7. 155. How trade can break up with paper (it involves blockchain)

    Published: 6/27/2021
  8. 154. Global Britain: How’s that going then?

    Published: 6/17/2021
  9. 153. Multilateral tax cooperation gets one step closer

    Published: 6/9/2021
  10. 152. The murky world of export restrictions for COVID-19 vaccines

    Published: 3/22/2021
  11. 151. Container shipping costs are through the roof. Who’s paying?

    Published: 3/15/2021
  12. 150. Is the WTO making it harder to end the pandemic?

    Published: 2/25/2021
  13. 149. Everyone Loves (or Hates) Buy America

    Published: 2/3/2021
  14. 148. The EU’s new trade policy, with Sabine Weyand of DG Trade

    Published: 1/17/2021
  15. 147. What’s in the new EU-UK trade deal? Brexperts explain

    Published: 1/4/2021
  16. 146. Semiconductors and US export bans – from Huawei to SMIC

    Published: 12/21/2020
  17. 145. Xinjiang’s forced labor, supply chains, and trade sanctions

    Published: 12/3/2020
  18. 144. Trade policy transitions, with Ambassador Susan Schwab

    Published: 11/24/2020
  19. 143. RCEP – Separating fact from friction

    Published: 11/18/2020
  20. 142. Can Biden Make Trade Boring Again?

    Published: 11/11/2020

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Chad P. Bown (Peterson Institute for International Economics) hosts a podcast about the economics of international trade and policy. From trade wars to trade deals, this podcast covers trade developments with insights and economic analysis from one of the world's top trade geeks.