Urbanistica Podcast - Cities for People

A podcast by Mustafa Sherif - Sundays


452 Episodes

  1. 345.SWE Barnvänliga stadsdelar! Analys av barnvänlighet, barntäthet och barnandel i Sverige - Karin Lobo Lundgren

    Published: 11/19/2022
  2. 344. Place Led Development (PLD) - David Brito

    Published: 11/13/2022
  3. 343. Placemaking X, what is next? - Ethan Kent

    Published: 11/10/2022
  4. 342. What it's like moving in a wheelchair in a city? - Rim Alexandra Halfya

    Published: 11/6/2022
  5. 341. Toxic discussion about the built environment - Filemon Wolfram

    Published: 11/1/2022
  6. 340. A political capital of a public space - Peter Smith

    Published: 10/30/2022
  7. 339. Parklet & Shared Spaces Program - Robin Abad Ocubillo

    Published: 10/25/2022
  8. 338.SWE Framtidens kontor 2.0 - Johanna Munck

    Published: 10/23/2022
  9. 337. Public facilities for people - Tiago Mota Saraiva

    Published: 10/18/2022
  10. 336. UN-Habitat’s Global Public Space Programme - José Chong

    Published: 10/16/2022
  11. 335. Regenerative urban public spaces & research innovation funding program- Johannes Riegler

    Published: 10/11/2022
  12. 334. Urban health - Giselle Sebag

    Published: 10/9/2022
  13. 333. Architects should build opinions not only buildings - Placido Lizancos

    Published: 10/6/2022
  14. 332.SWE Kraften i att samskapa framtidens stad - Helena Olsson

    Published: 10/2/2022
  15. 331. 15 minute city & placemaking - Carlos Moreno

    Published: 9/28/2022
  16. 330. Sounds in Cities - Martin Hallberg

    Published: 9/25/2022
  17. 329.SWE Våga vägra det perfekta! - Vanna Gunnarsson

    Published: 9/19/2022
  18. 328.SWE Medborgare perspektivet på Open House Stockholm Arkitektur Festival - August Michael, Joanna Messmer och Daniel Ruotsalainen

    Published: 9/15/2022
  19. 327. Making places for children - Tina Govan

    Published: 9/11/2022
  20. 326. Hack for a future city Södertälje 2022 - Tony Mccarrick & Ludvig Kratzert

    Published: 9/8/2022

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Stories about how we make cities for people. Tune in and join listeners from 140 countries. I am Mustafa Sherif (Urban Planner based in Sweden). In this podcast, we don't only talk about making cities, but also about city makers' life careers, journeys, leadership, and hobbies ... In collaboration with AFRY (Urban Planning and Design Section)