Wines of Romania Podcast
A podcast by Marinela Ardelean

53 Episodes
#Ep. 33: Valeriu Stoica, Avincis: Alutus is part if the golden triad of Romanian black wine grapes
Published: 11/12/2023 -
#Ep. 32: Marius Brînzea, Reciclad'Or: The GSR costs will grow exponentialy in 2025 and 2026 🍷
Published: 11/5/2023 -
#Ep. 31: Wines of Romania podcast with Amelia Mihalcea, co-owner Bogdan Estate
Published: 10/22/2023 -
Ep.#30 SERVE and Domaine Peraldi: Two wineries, one soul
Published: 10/1/2023 -
Wines of Romania Podcast - Ep. #29 cu Contantin Duluțe, fondator și proprietar Domeniile Averești
Published: 9/17/2023 -
Ep. #28 Wines of Romania Podcast cu Remus Deleanu, CEO si coproprietar Cotnari
Published: 9/3/2023 -
Liviu Năstase, co-owner Valdo Invest: „Wineries need responsible investments” // Ep. #27 WoR Podcast
Published: 5/9/2023 -
Ep. #26 Google tools for wine lovers and producers
Published: 5/8/2023 -
Ep. #25 Discover the secret of entrepreneurial success with Monica Dinu
Published: 5/7/2023 -
Ep. #24 Biosystems launches SPICA, an innovative platform for wine analytics
Published: 5/5/2023 -
Ep. #23 Zoe Ghiuri, owner of Rasova Winery: The winery is my temple. Is where I reinvented myself
Published: 5/4/2023 -
Ep. #22 Sergiu Savu, cel mai tanar proprietar de crama din Romania
Published: 5/3/2023 -
Ep. #21 USAMV – The school for oenologists and winegrowers
Published: 5/2/2023 -
Ep. #20 Claudiu Necșulescu, Jidvei: Wine cannot be cannot exist without a soul
Published: 12/29/2022 -
Ep. #19 About wine quality with Pau Vila Cases, CEO of BioSystems (Barcelona)
Published: 12/11/2022 -
Ep. #18 Aurelia Vișinescu – doamna Fetească Neagră
Published: 11/10/2022 -
Ep. #17 Despre vin, consum moderat si excese cu dr. Hayat Memiș
Published: 10/27/2022 -
Ep. #16 Exclusiv: 10 ani de Owner’s Choice Jidvei cu surorile Ana și Maria Necșulescu
Published: 10/14/2022 -
Ep. #15 Vinuri seci și vorbe dulci, cu Mihaela Sava (Prăjiturela)
Published: 10/6/2022 -
Ep. #14 Deschidem Vinul Românesc alături de Julien Munch, CEO Carrefour Romania
Published: 9/25/2022
🇷🇴 Wines of Romania este primul podcast dedicat vinului romanesc. Disponibil in format video (YouTube), cat si audio, aduce la microfon jurnalisti, influenceri, producatori de vin, oenologi, critici, proprietari de restaurante de top – pe scurt, pe toti cei care isi pot pune amprenta asupra felului in care este perceput vinul romanesc, atat in tara, cat si in lume. 👉🏻 🇬🇧 Wines of Romania is the first podcast dedicated to Romanian wine. Available also in video format 👉🏻 check Wines of Romania YouTube now and 👉🏻 platform.