Y Combinator Startup Podcast

A podcast by Y Combinator


209 Episodes

  1. How to Talk to Users with Gustaf Alströmer | Startup School

    Published: 12/20/2022
  2. How to Get and Evaluate Startup Ideas with Jared Friedman | Startup School

    Published: 12/15/2022
  3. Should You Start a Startup? with Harj Taggar | Startup School

    Published: 12/13/2022
  4. Avoid These Tempting Startup Ideas

    Published: 12/1/2022
  5. The Truth About Y Combinator

    Published: 11/29/2022
  6. The Two Mindsets That Can Kill Your Startup

    Published: 11/24/2022
  7. What Basic Game Theory Teaches Us About Startups

    Published: 11/17/2022
  8. Most Important Lifestyle Habits Of Successful Founders

    Published: 11/10/2022
  9. Elon Musk & The Midwit Meme

    Published: 11/3/2022
  10. Things That Don't Scale, The Software Edition

    Published: 10/27/2022
  11. YC Founder Firesides: Mutiny on AI and the next era of company growth

    Published: 10/24/2022
  12. #160 - YC Founder Firesides: Mutiny on AI and the next era of company growth

    Published: 10/24/2022
  13. #159 - YC Founder Firesides: Gusto on building for new verticals

    Published: 8/15/2022
  14. #158 - Same, Same but Different with Vanta and Zapier

    Published: 7/7/2022
  15. #157 - Diego Saez Gil

    Published: 1/28/2020
  16. #156 - Amber Atherton and Iba Masood

    Published: 12/18/2019
  17. #155 - Laks Srini

    Published: 12/11/2019
  18. #154 - Matt Cutts

    Published: 12/4/2019
  19. #153 - Cory Doctorow and Joe Betts-LaCroix

    Published: 11/27/2019
  20. #152 - Startup School Week 11 Recap - Geoff Ralston's Parting Advice

    Published: 11/13/2019

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We help founders make something people want.