You, Me, and ED

A podcast by Alexandria Smith


4 Episodes

  1. How Mainstream Culture Perpetuates ED

    Published: 4/8/2019
  2. Tumblr/Proana- a deep dive into a dangerous community

    Published: 4/8/2019
  3. An Interview with an Anorexic

    Published: 4/4/2019
  4. Episode One- An Introduction to the podcast, my project, and eating disorders.

    Published: 3/11/2019

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Almost every person has spent a decent amount of their time wishing they were someone else. Wishing that they could look like her, him, be as smart, as pretty, as kind, have as good of friends. However, people consistently trivialize self-confidence. Look in the mirror. Can you honestly say you like what you see? There is something wrong with that. One teenage girl tries to understand, navigate, and help reduce the complex of eating disorders and self-confidence while living in a world full of fashion weeks, glorifications, diet culture, and rampant negativity.