Your College Bound Kid | Admission Tips, Admission Trends & Admission Interviews

A podcast by Mark Stucker


508 Episodes

  1. YCBK7: How to Get the Job Your Kid Wants

    Published: 3/15/2018
  2. YCBK6: The Salary Edition

    Published: 3/7/2018
  3. YCBK5: What a Day on that Job Could Really Look Like

    Published: 3/1/2018
  4. YCBK4: Knowing Where the Jobs Are

    Published: 2/22/2018
  5. YCBK3: Fill in the Blank, My Kid Really Enjoys…

    Published: 2/10/2018
  6. YCBK2: Every Kid Has a Passion: Ways to Find Them

    Published: 2/10/2018
  7. YCBK1: Defining Success, Careful Now!

    Published: 2/10/2018
  8. Pilot: The Jump-off Edition

    Published: 2/10/2018

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Admission Tips, Admission Trends & Admission InterviewsAdmission Interviews Our mission is to "make college knowledge available to all." Each Thursday, the "Your College-Bound Kid" podcast will discuss a hot college topic in the news; we will answer a question or two that listeners send in, we will interview a "thought leader" in the world of college admissions, and do a "deep-dive," we call Spotlights on a College. Every Monday, we have a second episode to discuss a "hot topic" and interview a "thought leader" in the admissions or college life world. YCBK combines "in-depth knowledge" with a light, easy-to-listen conversational style. We have eight co-hosts, six college counselors, and two current admissions officers, including an Admissions Dean