Z DevOps Talks

A podcast by Z DevOps Talks


33 Episodes

  1. Haumer talks Wazi Workspaces, Bring Your Own IDE, and much more

    Published: 6/19/2020
  2. Bruce Armstrong talks Zowe™

    Published: 6/4/2020
  3. Roland Koo talks COBOL Compilers on Z, Automatic Binary Optimizer for z/OS, support for Java and Python, and LLVM

    Published: 5/12/2020
  4. Andrew Tram talks CD Release Train

    Published: 4/14/2020
  5. Matt Cousens talks Developer Advocacy on IBM Z and LinuxONE

    Published: 3/31/2020
  6. Kaleb Porter talks IBM Z Open Automation Utilities; how a new developer can automate on Z with Java, Python, and Shell commands

    Published: 3/9/2020
  7. Gary Mazo talks IBM ADDI, program analysis, business rule discovery, and checking out ADDI on IBM's Z Trial program

    Published: 2/25/2020
  8. Kyle Charlet talks Ansible for z/OS, how to support Ansible on Z, and how to become a Sponsor User

    Published: 2/11/2020
  9. Bruce Armstrong talks Zowe™, The Open Mainframe Project, Use cases for Zowe™ and Restful APIs

    Published: 1/28/2020
  10. Suman Gopinath talks Z software architecture, what even is 'architecting', and IBM Z Open Unit Test

    Published: 1/14/2020
  11. Sanjay Chandru talks Z DevOps culture, making Z unremarkable, BYOI, Shift-Left development and the profundity of life

    Published: 12/31/2019
  12. Jon Sayles talks IDz, training your people and life on Z

    Published: 12/9/2019
  13. Rosalind Radcliffe talks Z DevOps, IDEs on Z and IBM Z

    Published: 12/3/2019

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Listen in as Chris Sayles discusses with Z DevOps experts how IBM is embracing open source technologies, making the mainframe more accessible, and designing new and better ways of developing and operating for the cloud-native and veteran community.