Ayurvedic Food Signatures: Know What Foods Nourish & Heal What Parts of Your Body (#17)

Ancient Wisdom for Modern Health - A podcast by Mark Bunn

Like to know what foods specifically target, strengthen and heal the different parts of your body - brain, memory, heart, liver? Explore the fascinating ancient wisdom of food signatures and Ayurvedic medicine 'Laws of Similars'. Walnuts look like a brain and directly nourish it. Beetroots look like a red blood cell and counteract iron deficiency. Foods that look like pregnant women - avocadoes, pears etc support female reproduction. Learn about male/female foods and how observing the shape, color, texture of foods can help you become your own dietician. Show notes = markbunn.com.au/blog/food-signatures-what-foods-nourish-what-parts-of-your-body #foodsignatures #dontolman #ayurveda #ayurvedicmedicine #doctrineofsignatures #naturalfoods #naturalmedicine