8 Daily Rituals to Help You Reclaim Your Thyroid Health with Danna Bowman & Ginny Mahar

Well Beyond 40 - A podcast by JJ Virgin

Danna Bowman and Ginny Mahar, two thyroid patient advocates, came up with an idea for using technology to make the journey easier for other thyroid patients than it had been for them. This revolutionary wellness game, THYROID30, helps you hit the refresh button on your diet and lifestyle choices so you can feel better again. Listen as Danna and Ginny explain how their innovative wellness adventure can help you achieve your health goals by collecting all different avenues of help into one location and creating a supportive community for those with thyroid issues. They’ll also talk with JJ about the 8 daily rituals of a thyroid-healthy lifestyle that can help you optimize your thyroid function and improve your quality of life.   Freebies From Today’s Episode Get Danna and Ginny’s free quiz by going to jjvirgin.com/8rituals.   Main Points From Today’s Episode Thyroid disease is difficult to diagnose. Even after a diagnosis and medication, it’s a challenge to find help with diet, exercise and mindset from the medical field. Finding support for symptoms may be a challenge. This ‘invisible’ disease is hard for others to see physical evidence; THYROID30 offers a community of others who share the struggle. Incorporating the 8 rituals into a daily routine will help. These 8 R’s offer a reminder of simple adjustments to make living with a thyroid condition easier.   Episode Play-By-Play [1:45] Incorporating 8 rituals a day that will help you get better results for thyroid issues [2:15] Community is really important in this ‘invisible’ disease. [3:45] What inspired Danna and Ginny to develop this program [5:19] After getting a diagnosis and medication, incorporating diet, lifestyle and mindset changes makes a huge difference. [8:55] Some things to look for if you think you might have a thyroid issue [10:18] Once diagnosed, what are some things you should do? [11:40] Start with the 8 Daily Rituals. Number one is Remember. Did you remember to take your medication and supplements? [11:58] Number two is Refuel, which is everything you consume (food or drink). [12:25] Number three is Reactivate. This one is about movement, staying active and listening to your body. [13:27] Number four is Repair - healing the gut [13:44] Five is Rejuvenate, or daily self-care of some kind. Coping with, and managing stress is a powerful aspect of healing. [15:33] Number six is Reducing heavy metals and environmental toxins in our homes and bodies. [16:00] Seven is Relishing small victories, finding support and allowing yourself to be supported. Connecting and celebrating our victories along the way, no matter how small. [16:22] Eight is Recharge, which is sleep. A good night’s rest is foundational. [16:58] JJ talks about how big a role sleep plays in your health, tone of your skin, losing weight, energy, focus, and more. [17:42] One of the things JJ values most and has in common with Danna and Ginny is the importance of community. [20:58] Thyroid30 is a 30-day wellness app that uses gamification technology. They made it fun for thyroid sufferers to pursue a healthier lifestyle. [23:17] Another thing Thyroid30 does is bring together all the different elements of everything you should be doing and puts them all in one place. [Action Step] Download the quiz and the 8 rituals. [Action Step] Don’t skip the ritual of rejuvenate! What is your self-care routine and what can you do to take that up a notch?   Mentioned in this episode: Subscribe to Reignite Wellness with JJ Virgin Become part of JJ’s community JJ Virgin Official Facebook page JJ Virgin on Instagram JJ Virgin on YouTube Thyroid Strong by Dr. Emily Kiberd Direct-to-Consumer Lab Testing Telemedicine through Dr. Alan Christianson