Aging Backwards with JJ Virgin

Well Beyond 40 - A podcast by JJ Virgin

When it comes to de-aging, it's not about the expensive lotions and potions you use! In today's podcast episode, JJ shares the simple diet and lifestyle strategies that can go a long way toward turning back the clock. Listen as JJ reveals the reasons for premature aging and what to do about them, including snacking, sugar consumption, stress, and the wrong type of exercise. JJ also explains how to put the brakes on aging by lowering your sugar impact, boosting antioxidants in your diet, and incorporating fasting into your routine. Plus, find out JJ's top exercise and stress-management tips to help hold back Father Time so you can live a long, vibrant life!   Freebies From Today’s Episode Get a JJ’s free Stress Relief Guide by going to   Main Points From Today’s Episode Constant snacking keeps your blood sugar elevated, which is very aging. JJ shares how to optimize meal timing to increase longevity. Sugar is extremely aging because of a process called glycation. Glycation occurs when protein and fats combine with sugar in the bloodstream. Stress shortens your telomeres, which are the protective end caps around your DNA. Meditation and tapping are two of JJ’s favorite ways to lower stress.   Episode Play-By-Play [0:58] Episode briefing  [2:15] Listener shout-out [5:15] Starting your day with the right breakfast sets the metabolic tone for the day. Try JJ’s All-In-One Protein Shakes!  [6:24] You can de-age with some simple diet and lifestyle strategies.  [6:59] Stop the snacking and switch to intermittent fasting!   [7:25] Constant snacking keeps your blood sugar elevated, which is very aging.  [8:09] Start by eating the satiety trifecta: healthy fats, fiber, and protein  [8:44] JJ’s meal timing strategies  [9:28] Long-term caloric restriction slows your metabolism.  [10:30] How to incorporate fasting and intermittent fasting into your routine  [12:00] Fasting triggers the cellular detoxification process of autophagy.  [13:15] Hidden sugars are lurking in many everyday foods.  [13:40] How sugar consumption can cause premature aging [14:20] Lower your sugar impact with the Sugar Impact Diet!  [14:38] Why fructose is the most aging sugar of all  [15:45] The importance of antioxidants in de-aging  [16:02] Resveratrol can activate your longevity genes.  [17:18] When it comes to de-aging, it’s key to manage your stress levels.  [17:48] Stress shortens your telomeres, which are the protective end caps around your DNA.  [18:00] The negative effects of cortisol on your health  [19:00] How to lower your stress levels  [21:00] The right and wrong types of exercise for reducing stress [22:53] How to put together a high-intensity interval training session  [24:38] Action steps from today’s episode [25:55] Start with one thing!  [27:07] The top 5 steps to reverse aging   Mentioned in this episode: JJ Virgin All-In-One Protein Shakes Eating By the Clock with JJ Virgin JJ Virgin’s Sugar Impact Diet Dry Farm Wines Ziva Meditation Free tapping eBook Top 6 Ways to Naturally Reduce Stress Xiser Fast Fitness Online Program Subscribe to the JJ Virgin Lifestyle Show Become part of JJ’s community JJ Virgin Official Facebook page JJ Virgin on Instagram JJ Virgin on YouTube