Balancing Blood Sugar During Menopause with Dr. Beverly Yates

Well Beyond 40 - A podcast by JJ Virgin

The trifecta of menopause, metabolism, and blood sugar seem to conspire against women as they age. Around 40 to 45, women’s blood sugar control begins to shift. One of the first signs is that the body doesn’t recover as quickly. As it continues, imbalanced blood sugar can lead to menopause complaints like weight gain, anxiety, and mood shifts. But there’s a way to fight back. Dr. Beverly Yates, an internationally recognized speaker and expert in diabetes, menopause, and metabolism, explains how women can regain control for improved energy and health by learning how to easily balance their blood sugar. She recommends using a continuous glucose monitor to better control the hormonal fluctuations and have a better day. This conversation explains ideal blood sugar levels, so you know what to look for. You’ll also learn why she thinks baseline blood sugar is higher in women today than it has been historically. Dr. Yates’ mother used to say, “Growing older as a woman isn't for the faint of heart.” But, this conversation with JJ Virgin and Dr. Yates provides an uplifting view on how your outlook on life begins to change as you enter menopause, plus tips to help you can easily regain control, so you don’t cause continuous harm to your body. Get Dr. Yates - FREE GUIDE - Continuous Glucose Monitors: Tips, Insights, And FAQs