[Beginnings & Breakthroughs] Banishing Perfection to Reach Your Goals with Brenna Hardgrove

Well Beyond 40 - A podcast by JJ Virgin

Have you ever felt like if you couldn't be perfect at something, you shouldn't do it at all? Or maybe you’re doing great, but then something knocks you off and you feel frustrated? If that sounds like you, you’ll want to listen to this episode of Beginnings and Breakthroughs, where JJ talks with special guest Brenna Hardgrove about menopause, thyroid and adrenal health, and healthy habits that create success. Brenna lost 23 pounds on The Virgin Diet and has kept it off. Here, she tells JJ how she created that success along with her further health goals. In this episode, you’ll learn why an all-or-nothing mentality sabotages your success, JJ’s simple strategy to make healthy habits consistent, why showing compassion and grace to yourself is the antidote to perfection, the key to getting consistently stellar results, and why focusing on one thing at a time helps create long-term healthy habits. Listen up to learn why building muscle is critical for growing old powerfully, why thyroid health is so important, how to measure stress levels, and the secret to curbing your sweet tooth in just 14 days. JJ also reveals why she changed her position on potatoes (and how to prepare them correctly), how to optimize meal timing for fat loss, powerful hacks for amazing sleep, plus JJ’s thoughts about cheat days (and how to stay healthy while enjoying your favorite foods). “If you set yourself up that it has to be all or nothing, then you always end up with nothing,” JJ tells Brenna. “We don't want that.” Tune in to get simple, practical ways to lose weight, sleep better, manage stress well, and create healthy habits that ensure success. You’ll find everything you need in this fun, information-packed episode!