[Beginnings & Breakthroughs] Gut Healing + Getting Back on Track with Donna Barber

Well Beyond 40 - A podcast by JJ Virgin

For many people, the pandemic was a catalyst to make positive changes and level up their diet and lifestyle habits. For others, it was an unexpected setback on the journey to a healthy weight and body. Tune in as JJ talks with longtime Virgin Diet advocate Donna Barber about her powerful first experience with The Virgin Diet, how living through a pandemic impacted her eating habits, and why supporting her gut will be critical in the days to come. When she worked as a librarian, Donna would notice that the most popular topics people would search for were health and weight loss. One day, a woman dropped a book in front of her that changed her life forever: The Virgin Diet. "I kept picking it up and putting it down, thinking it was probably just another gimmick," shared Donna. But after following the plan for a week, she lost 7 pounds. And after four months, she lost 30 pounds—and says it was like winning the lottery. But Donna, like a lot of folks, struggled during the pandemic. Stuck at home, she found it harder and harder to eat well and stick to her healthy habits… and the weight crept back on. She also had a history of digestive issues that sometimes made it difficult to eat the right foods. Now, with knee surgery on the horizon and gut health a #1 priority, she asked JJ to help her create a roadmap to a healthier gut and body. Their eye-opening conversation will change the way you look at weight loss and health, and it may just provide the answers you've been looking for on your own personal wellness journey. Listen as JJ delivers easy-to-implement but critically important strategies based on Donna's unique needs—from the best foods and supplements to the best ways to exercise and strengthen her body. JJ also shares her own experience with maintaining health before and after major surgery, so you don't want to miss her recommendations!