Believing to Seeing with Sean Croxton

Well Beyond 40 - A podcast by JJ Virgin

JJ Virgin has a thoughtful and deep conversation with Sean Croxton about how it’s possible to get the life you want. Does it sound too good to be true? Listen to this interview, and find out the roots and keys to making the transformation in your life, that you have been struggling to reach. You can also find a special gift from Sean Croxton, just for you!   Key Takeaways: [:29] You´ll see it when you believe it. [:41] Sean Croxton from Underground Wellness [:57] Mindset is the key. [1:10] What is the most important part in saving my son, and making sure he lives? [1:23] Mission of waking people up [1:47] Summit sessions [1:59] What is JERF? Just eat real food [2:13] From health to personal development [3:18] How Sean Croxton got started in health development [4:11] Losing the passion in what he was doing [4:55] How to turn lack of motivation into a trigger to change paths [5:31] Help people find the root of their illnesses [5:50] How the root of your problems are in your mind [6:25] What goes first: the illness, or the way of thinking? [6:50] Comfort and security vs dreams [7:05] How the chemistry of the body is affected, when you are doing what you don´t love [7:32] Approaching difficulties through the right mindset [7:44] You have to believe, in order to make things happen [8;13] One thing that people are missing in their lives is understanding. [8:35] Conditioning from birth to 6 years old, programmed with beliefs that are not ours [9:28] Subconscious programming is the seed of our actions. [9:52] What is going on inside your mind, and how you can change it? [10:13] How do you figure out what is real and what is not? [10:25] Self-sabotage helps you know where the problem is. [11:00] People need to learn how to decide, how to be persistent, and how to do their own thinking [12:09] Believing the seeing [12:36] Relationship between thoughts, feelings, action, and results [13:10] Every thought creates a result [13:28] Results driving your feelings, thinking, and actions [13:40] I have to believe there is something better than what I have now. [13:54] What is outside is a reflection of what happens inside. [14:55] You control what is happening. [15:16] Taking responsibility of what is happening, using the power within [15:13] Ebook “The One Percenter’s mind,” a gift from Sean Croxton to you. [15:30] Prejudgements about one-percenters [16:33] Help people join this one percent [17:17] How to be successful in every area of your life [17:39] For free ebook, [18:17] What is the one thing you do every day, that makes your life better? [18:30] Reading every day [19:08] Sugar is hiding everywhere. [19:18] Which sugars to choose and which to lose? [19:25] [19:38] Lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks [20:07] How do you get motivation to maintain body weight? [20:10] You get what you expect [20:20] How JJ Virgin´s son survived a car accident against all medical opinions [20:49] You see it when you believe it [21:00] Visualize how do you want to be, feel,  work. [21:13] Make it real first in your mind. [21:55] First step is how you think about yourself. [22:11]  for questions   Mentioned in This Episode: