Fat, Old, And Losing Your Sex Drive

Well Beyond 40 - A podcast by JJ Virgin

I experienced stress's ugly effects several years ago when a hit-and-run driver left my teenage son for dead. Needless to say, those first few months were incredibly stressful. Heartburn was one of the first signs I was stressed out. Yet if there was any time I needed to be game on, it was during that challenging time. I put everything into place to handle any kind of stress (and hopefully you won't ever be in that kind of stress!). In this podcast, I'll tell you how stress wreaks havoc. (Some of these will shock you!). This vicious domino effect affects everything from your sleep to your waistline to your gut. A wired-and-tired feeling permeates. You don't want to get there! That's why I'll provide some simple, powerful strategies to reduce stress's impact. You'll learn about the nutrient to lower cortisol, why adrenal and thyroid health are so important, the number one vitamin that becomes depleted by stress, and why "vitamin S" might be your magical bullet to reduce stress. Armed with these tactics, you'll become more resilient to stress and more effortlessly "roll through" whatever life throws you.