Getting Out Of Pain with Vicky Vlachonis

Well Beyond 40 - A podcast by JJ Virgin

Vicky Vlachonis, Greek osteopath of a series of celebrities, shows us how to acknowledge our pain, and teaches a simple three-step program to free our bodies from it. Stop fighting your pain, listen to this podcast and find its root and solution. This can be the beginning of the end of that discomfort you have been carrying with you!   Key Takeaways: [1:10] Vicky Vlachonis career briefing. [3:15] Osteopath background of Vicky Vlachonis. [4:15] Is your pain physical or emotional? [5:25] What is the number one advice if you are in pain? [6:23] What is the three-step program to get rid of pain? [6:36] Reflect first and track the history of the pain. [7:20] How to release your pain? [7:58] MIndfulness and having a routine to radiating. [8:23] Pain awakens the truth. [9:48] How you can connect the emotional pain with your physical discomfort? [11:00] We live more in our mind than in our bodies. [11:17] Why are we disconnected from our bodies? [12:14] Am I feeling my body? [12:58] Practice meditation, acupuncture, and go to a chiropractor to get in touch with your body. [14:24] What is the one thing you do everyday that makes the biggest difference in your life? [14:29] Meditation and gratitude. [15:27] The body doesn’t lie, by Vick Vlachonis [15:39] [16:22] How to get a better quality of sleep. [16:49] [17:14] [17:45] Listeners’ question. What should you do when your whole body is aching? [18:37] Reduce the inflammation in your body through Virgin diet and sugar impact diet. [19:36] Omega 3 fatty acid intake will help with the inflammation. [20:47] Curcuman has antiinflammatory effects. [21:52] Getting aware of what your body is really feeling.   Mentioned in This Episode: The Body Doesn't Lie: A 3-Step Program to End Chronic Pain and Become Positively Radiant, by Vicky Vlachonis