Health Hacking and Habit Stacking with TJ Anderson

Well Beyond 40 - A podcast by JJ Virgin

Holistic health hacker TJ Anderson joins JJ in today's episode to reveal his top secrets to elevate your health and build habits that matter. Listen as TJ shares his personal story of taking responsibility for his physical and emotional health, plus the 3 simple things he does every day that make the biggest difference in his life. Find out how to take action to upgrade your habits and create the change you desire, including the five "P's" of health hacking and how they can help you take your health into your own hands for good!   Freebies From Today’s Episode Get TJ Anderson’s free Health-Hacker Habit-Stacker Worksheet and the first chapter of The Art of Health Hacking by going to   Main Points From Today’s Episode The world needs different messages about health and fitness. T.J.’s personal journey inspired him to empower others to take back their health. TJ shares the 5 “P’s” of health hacking: performance, prevention, progress, preparation, and presence. Find out how to implement the 5 “P’s” to take your health into your own hands. If you optimize your habits, you’ll optimize your health. TJ explains how to take action in small, doable steps with habit stacking.   Episode Play-By-Play [1:11] TJ Anderson’s career briefing. [2:35] TJ’s personal story of healing. [6:40] How did TJ become interested in health hacking? [8:00] What holistic health means to TJ. [12:02] The ketogenic diet can be powerful medicine in the right circumstances. [12:41] The Art of Health Hacking: a self-coaching guide for the modern day health-conscious consumer. [14:49] The five “P’s” of health hacking: performance, prevention, progress, preparation, and presence. [17:26] What is habit stacking? [18:51] TJ’s top 3 habits that make the biggest difference: getting sunlight first thing in the morning, walking outside and staying hydrated. [22:30] Get TJ’s Health-Hacker Habit-Stacker worksheet and the first chapter of his book for free. [25:46] Find out which sugars to choose and which to lose in JJ Virgin’s Sugar Impact Diet. [26:35] Listener’s question: I’m ready to lose weight and take back my health. Where do I start?   Mentioned in this episode: JJ Virgin’s Sugar Impact Diet The Art of Health Hacking: A Personal Guide to Elevate Your State of Health and Performance, Stress Less, and Build Healthy Habits that Matter, by TJ Anderson JJ Virgin 7-Day Challenge JJ Virgin at Facebook JJ Virgin at Instagram