How to be Happier with Dr. Daniel Amen

Well Beyond 40 - A podcast by JJ Virgin

America is unhappy. In fact, we are the unhappiest we've been since the Great Depression, and things show no signs of getting better. Did you know that depression (the disorder, not the economic kind)—which was at epidemic levels even before the start of COVID-19—tripled in just a matter of months once the pandemic hit? Suicide rates are rising among many populations, and Americans seem to have lost hope. Now for the good news: There is a way out, and it starts in your brain. Recently, JJ spoke with her friend Dr. Daniel Amen about his new book, "You, Happy," and why he chose to write it now. Dr. Amen is one of America's leading psychiatrists, and he is on a mission to end mental illness by creating a revolution in brain health. He told JJ that there is a neuroscience to happiness and that it is a daily practice. And, he shared with her what he calls "the 7 neuroscience secrets to becoming 30% happier in just 30 days." We all want to be happier, especially nowadays. Whether we're still reeling from the fallout of a major pandemic or simply struggling to get by in our daily lives and relationships, finding happiness during tough times can be a challenge. And when we aren't working with a strong foundation of health? It can be even harder. Listen as Dr. Amen and JJ discuss the 7 things you can do starting right now to build a strong foundation of happiness—beginning with preserving the physical health of your brain by adopting positive diet and lifestyle habits. From there, Dr. Amen explains how everyone's brain is different, and you'll find out how to take a unique brain assessment quiz to determine how happy you are and how to use targeted strategies to increase your joy. Dr. Amen has been a guest on Ask the Health Expert many, many times over the years, and every time JJ talks to him she is blown away with his incredible knowledge and insight. Don't miss learning about his 7 key strategies that will help you be happier and live longer! Get Dr. Amen’s FREE You, Happier Cookbook