How to Be Your Own Best Doctor with Dr. William Davis

Well Beyond 40 - A podcast by JJ Virgin

Dr. William Davis meets with JJ to discuss Undoctored, his new book with a bold and unconventional message! Dr. Davis is a cardiologist and the New York Times bestselling author of Wheat Belly, and he’s well-known for his innovative ideas about health and nutrition. In this podcast, Dr. Davis discusses the flaws of our current healthcare system and gives you six strategies to eliminate illness and heal yourself. Listen to learn how you can put the power of your health back into your own hands, where it belongs!   Key Takeaways: [:56] Dr. William Davis is the author of Wheat Belly and a pioneer in highlighting the dangers of gluten and grains in the diet. [2:13] Dr. William Davis’s career briefing [3:22] Dr. Davis’s new book, Undoctored, critiques the medical system and encourages people to find their own answers. [5:33] People who aren’t following the advice of their doctors are getting better results. [6:56] The American Heart Association is giving the public the wrong message about which foods are healthy. [8:04] There are commercial interests behind some of the advice that is given by big businesses. [11:18] Patients have become smarter than their doctors because of collective wisdom. [13:16] People are getting answers on their own, using tools that are benign, like exercise and supplements. [13:40] Dr. Davis’s book highlights the importance of taking personal responsibility for your health. [15:42] What about folks who use the Internet as a diagnostic tool?  [17:05] The six strategies to eliminate the majority of “diseases of lifestyle.” [18:30] There are certain conditions that may require additional steps. [19:44] Remaining grain-free and supplementing with vitamin D makes the biggest difference in Dr. Davis’s life. [21:56] Dr. Davis gives the audience a micro-course for free on JJ’s website! [24:43] Sugar is hiding everywhere — which sugars to lose and which to choose? JJ teaches you how to lose fat fast and forever in The Sugar Impact Diet. [25:28] Listener’s’ question: Is it wrong to have a “cheat” meal on the weekends? [26:10] When a food is toxic to you, a little bit creates a major problem.   Mentioned in this episode: Facebook page JJVirgin Official Instagram @JJ.Virgin