How to Protect Yourself from EMFs with Nick Pineault

Well Beyond 40 - A podcast by JJ Virgin

Health journalist Nick Pineault joins JJ to reveal the dangers of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from wireless devices and technology like cellphones, laptops, and Wi-Fi. Learn all the steps you need to take to shield you and your family from this invisible toxin. EMFs are all around us, and EMF exposure has been linked to a variety of health problems, including poor sleep and hormonal issues. It’s crucial to learn how to use modern technology safely to minimize harmful EMF exposure and protect your health!    Key Takeaways: [:59] Nick Pineault’s career briefing [1:58] What are EMFs and how did Nick Pineault become interested in this topic? [3:35] There’s not agreement in the scientific community on the safety of EMFs. [5:15] The biggest sources of EMF exposure are the devices that are closest to your body. [5:36] Nick’s number one piece of advice is to put one foot of distance between you and your device at all times. [7:19] Studies show that placing your laptop on your lap while using it can affect your reproductive organs and gut function. [8:34] Switch your phone to airplane mode to greatly reduce your radiation exposure. [10:25] Turning off Wi-Fi at night can help you sleep better and protect your health. [12:16] Wrapping devices in aluminum foil when traveling can shield against EMFs. [12:58] EMFs have been shown to worsen symptoms of PMS and impact libido. [16:27] Get Nick’s checklist to find out your top priorities when it comes to reducing your EMF exposure at home. [19:18] Are you digesting your protein well? JJ's Metabolic Digestive Balance supplement not only supports protein digestion, it also slows and even blocks some carbohydrate absorption. [20:10] Listener’s question: I cut sugar out of my diet and now I’m feeling tired all the time. What should I do? [21:08] Check out Sugar Impact Diet to dial in the quality of the carbs you’re eating, figure out the right amount of carbs for you, and slowly lower your sugar-impact to give your body time to convert from being a sugar burner to a fat burner. [22:45] Consider other reasons for fatigue as well.   Mentioned in this episode: The Non Tinfoil Guide to EMFs Facebook JJ Virgin Official Instagram JJ Virgin Pinterest JJ Virgin