How to Stop Using Food as a Drug with Samantha Skelly.

Well Beyond 40 - A podcast by JJ Virgin

Samantha Skelly has walked the path of the dieting obsession herself, and after several years of awareness and work, she discovered the truth behind achieving a better emotional and physical relationship with her body. Now with her book, “Hungry for Happiness,” and her program, she aims to help women that are ready to stop using food as a drug, and instead, use emotional pain to heal. You can put an end to your unhealthy relationship with food, gaining your self trust again; accepting and loving yourself in the process. You are worthy!   Key takeaways [:55] Samantha Skelly´s career briefing. [3:04] Samantha’s life story, and how she was using food as a drug. [6:03] Physical weight on our bodies is a representation of the emotional weight we are carrying. [7:03] How to use the pain to heal, and not numb it with food. Feel compassion and heal, and start not to need food to numb the emotions. [7:59] The process to take someone from being unaware of their body, to awareness between physical and emotional hunger. [9:01] Your body can guide you, we can tend to overanalyze instead of listening to our bodies. [10:30] Ask yourself: How much time do you spend thinking about your body  and your weight? [11:42] How is your relationship with pain? Do you tend to suppress it? Can you embrace it? [12:25] How long does it take to get back “food freedom”? [13:40] 6 months long program; this is not a quick fix, it takes work to achieve a sustainable transformation. [15:20] Start with acceptance, and set an intention of transformation. [16:06] Free videos  with simple exercises at to start to deal with your feelings. [17:20] Crossfit makes Samantha feels powerful everyday. [18:40] The right digestive enzyme for you has been developed by JJ Virgin. [19:45] Sweet tooth is tied to emotions, sugar momentarily makes you “feel good.” [21:26] Get rid of your sweet tooth: Sour helps, lemon juice before meals is a great way to help with cravings.   Mentioned in this episode Facebook page JJVirgin official