The Single Most Important Thing You Can Do for… Well, Everything

Well Beyond 40 - A podcast by JJ Virgin

How does a great night's sleep matter? For just about everything, from energy to fat burning! You know the caffeinated aftermath of a terrible night's sleep. In this podcast, I'll also talk about the hormonal havoc just one night's sleep can create. You'll understand why poor sleep makes you wired and tired, and why we frequently exacerbate that vicious cycle. I'll dissect what a good night's sleep means and some simple strategies that help you get 7 - 9 hours of solid, uninterrupted sleep. You might not even know what a good night's sleep is, it's been so long since you've had one! You'll learn the optimal time to exercise for a great night's sleep, nutrients to help you slumber soundly, and why meal timing matters so much to slumber soundly. These strategies guarantee an amazing night's sleep so you feel great and burn fat all day.