This Should Always Be the First Thing You Put On Your Plate

Well Beyond 40 - A podcast by JJ Virgin

What you eat and how much you eat matters, but so does where you start. In this episode, JJ explains why you want to focus every meal on protein. You’ll learn exactly why this macronutrient is a great metabolism booster for weight loss, the critical study that showed your metabolism doesn’t slow down as you get older, how muscle loss impacts quality of life, and why the wrong kind of exercise can work against you. Plus, JJ reveals how high protein meals can keep you full longer, why you burn more calories eating protein than carbs or fat, how much protein you need daily, the best plant-based protein sources for vegans and vegetarians, and how to build your plate around protein. With these strategies, you’ll optimize every meal to stay strong, lose weight, prevent muscle loss, and look and feel your best.