Uncovering the Root Cause of Chronic Illness to Boost Health and Resilience with Dr. Aaron Hartman

Well Beyond 40 - A podcast by JJ Virgin

Do you suffer from brain fog, gut issues, aches and pains, or some other type of chronic condition that limits your ability to feel healthy and happy? JJ recently spoke with Integrative and Functional Medicine Practitioner Dr. Aaron Hartman about complex ""mystery"" illnesses that are actually more common than you realize—and why our current healthcare system often overlooks the root cause of the problem. Dr. Hartman first became interested in mystery illness diagnosis when he and his wife adopted their first daughter, Anna. At two years old, Anna had cerebral palsy and countless dietary and neurological issues, and doctors told them she would never crawl, walk, or talk. They went to specialist after specialist, and many wanted to ""treat"" Anna with invasive surgical procedures that often seemed to have no benefit. It was then that Dr. Hartman and his wife started questioning the experts if something didn't feel right, which led them to functional medicine. Through their own in-depth research, they found positive strategies that worked for Anna—many of which were incredibly basic, including eating real food, exercise, and quality sleep—and today she is 16 years old, walking with crutches, loves playing chess, and ""won't stop talking”. Dr. Hartman now works with numerous patients in his practice that are suffering from complicated, chronic illnesses, and JJ speaks to him about the importance of starting with the basics (gut, stress, and sleep) to help them feel better. The bottom line: People don't just get sick overnight. Years of unhealthy eating, too much stress, and poor sleep can bring us to a point where all it takes is one triggering event to bring our health crashing down around us. In this episode, you'll learn what things precede these mystery illnesses, what triggers them, and what you can do right now to increase your health and resilience. Tune in and take the first step toward feeling better! Harness Your Body's Power to Heal by getting Dr. Aaron Hartman’s FREE eBook Building Resistance https://go.richmondfunctionalmedicine.com/brguide-pod