Winning the Inner Game of Weight Loss with John Assaraf

Well Beyond 40 - A podcast by JJ Virgin

Behavior and mindset expert John Assaraf talks with JJ about the power of neuroscience and how retraining your brain can help you achieve your weight loss goals. After experiencing his own struggles with losing and regaining weight, John shares how he used brain science techniques to reset his subconscious body fat set point and maintain his weight loss for good. Listen and learn how to let go of mental and emotional obstacles and reshape your self-image to drive your weight release success!    Key Takeaways: [:28] John Assaraf’s career briefing [2:00] How did John Assaraf become interested in the field of neuroscience? [3:28] What’s the difference between setting goals and actually being able to achieve them? [5:02] Doing something outside of your comfort zone sets off the stress response center in your brain. [5:47] It’s important to create coherence in your brain rather than chaos around achieving goals. [6:27] Your body fat set point and self-image work like a thermostat. [8:50] John shares his personal weight loss story and the key to his success. [10:12] What is disappointment avoidance and how does it relate to weight loss? [12:35] Find an image of a body type like yours in the shape you would like to be in and put your face on the image to activate the motivational circuits in your brain. [14:33] The power center is the subconscious mind. [15:43] Every day John gives thanks, does a morning meditation, reviews his goals, works out, and has a JJ Virgin protein shake. [17:48] Grab John’s free weight release “innercise” to empower you from the inside out and drive your weight release success. [18:55] Starting your day off with the right breakfast sets the metabolic tone for the day. The perfect and easiest way to do this is with JJ’s All-In-One Paleo-Inspired Shake. [19:43] Listener’s question: I can lose the weight but I’m even better at gaining it back. How do I solve the weight regain challenge that I seem to chronically be facing? [21:30] Reset with The Virgin Diet or Sugar Impact Diet, weigh yourself every day, keep a food journal, and surround yourself with a circle of support.   Mentioned in this episode: Facebook page: @JJVirginofficial Instagram @JJVirgin Pinterest @JJVirgin