23. Life is heavy right now. Here's four ways to make it easier.

Beyond Body - A podcast by Beyond Body

The world feels heavy right now. I've been feeling it too. In today's episode, I talk you through the four approaches which have been easing some of that weight off my shoulders. I hope it helps you too! Get your Body Neutrality tickets!: https://www.beyondbodycoach.com/events/beyond-your-body-body-neutrality-you-march-2022 Radical Acceptance: https://www.audible.com.au/pd/Radical-Acceptance-Audiobook/0655679685?source_code=M2MORSH051016002X&ipRedirectOverride=true&gclid=Cj0KCQjw5-WRBhCKARIsAAId9FnkfSiEGQo__X7jEqhp53a2GQHQsWZpog7ygb-Gdoc-stySeFz_zlwaAv6lEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds