#162: 5 lifestyle choices, habits & mindsets that keep you stuck & unable to reach that goal
Body Bites With Bec - A podcast by Bec Miller, Health with Bec - Wednesdays

00:00 Intro 03:39 Sharing Podcast Review Related To A Previous Inspiring Episode 07:28 New, Exciting Afterpay Announcement 08:50 Mistake #1: You're Not Spending Some Alone Time With Yourself 14:15 Mistake #2: You’re Not Saying No And Setting Boundaries With Yourself 22:40 Mistake #3: You Are Avoiding The Hard Things 27:56 Mistake #4: You’re Winging It And Doing No Planning 32:35 Mistake #5: You’re Not Prioritising The Right Things 36:43 Wrap Up Of This Episode 37:08 The Importance Of Understanding Your Why 38:40 A Podcast Recommendation To Help You Discover Your Why Feeling stuck? Unable to take those daily steps that you KNOW you want to take to get closer to that goal? If so, there truly can be so many things in your day-to-day life that can hinder your growth & motivation that you may not be aware of. The way you live out every day of your life, the choices you make, the boundaries you set, the priorities you make, your mindset… it’s all up to you. And, they can either keep you stuck and constantly thinking “why am I not achieving what I want?” OR propel you forward, slowly, day after day to get you to the goal you’ve set or the dreams that you have for yourself. So, in todays episode, I’m sharing 5 lifestyle choices and mindsets that keep you stuck and HOW to flip them on their head so that you CAN feel more motivated and inspired to take aligned action and take those steps that bring you towards your goal - whether it be weight loss, fitness or your career. Growth isn’t easy and that’s why people who have what you want don’t have it easy either. What they DO have is commitment to tweaking their lifestyle and mindset daily to work FOR them and not against them so that they can get through the growing pains that are inevitable with change. Lots of tough love, inspiring words of motivation & vulnerability in this episode and I hope it helps you! Links: The episode with Anneke: #134: From addiction to balance, Anneke's 40 kg loss and transformative journey to healing, love, fitness and happiness! The episode on discovering and finding out your WHY: #13: Why Motivation is NOT What You're Looking For. It's This … Start your weight loss, gut healing and anti-inflammatory journey now with my 3 Week Body Reset Continue your journey and figuring out YOUR own balance in the Health with Bec Tribe Explore my free recipes & website: Click here Follow me on instagram: @health_with_bec Download my FREE eBook with 4, 15 minute meals: click here