#124 - Eliminating weight stigma from medical care with Jennifer Gaudiani MD, author of Sick Enough

Body Kindness - A podcast by Rebecca Scritchfield, RDN, Certified Exercise Physiologist

Weight stigma is harmful to human health at all sizes. The medical community upholds weight stigma and harms the very people they should be helping by weighing patients without informed consent, blaming weight on non weight related concerns like earaches and wrist pain, and recommending weight loss based on the unscientific BMI measurement. Medicine must work from the inside out to eradicate the problems they have perpetuated. Dr. Jennifer Gaudiani author of the book Sick Enough has made weight inclusive medical care a priority at her Denver based telemedicine clinic and she shares her ideas for why doctors must act to eradicate weight stigma on this episode. --- About Dr Gaudiani Jennifer L. Gaudiani, MD, CEDS, FAED, is the Founder and Medical Director of the Gaudiani Clinic. Board Certified in Internal Medicine, she completed her undergraduate degree at Harvard, medical school at Boston University School of Medicine, and her internal medicine residency and chief residency at Yale. Dr. Gaudiani has been a leader in the eating disorders field for over 10 years and served as the Medical Director at the ACUTE Center for Eating Disorders prior to founding the Gaudiani Clinic which is a Denver-based outpatient medical clinic dedicated to people with eating disorders and disordered eating. The Gaudiani Clinic is a HAES (Health At Every Size)®-informed provider and embraces treating people of all shapes and sizes. The Gaudiani Clinic is licensed to practice in over 25 US states via telemedicine and offers international professional consultation and education. Website | Sick Enough book | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook --- Get the Body Kindness book It's available wherever books and audiobooks are sold. Read reviews on Amazon and pick up your copy today! Order signed copies and bulk discounts here! --- Donate to support the show Thanks to our generous supporters! We're working toward our goal to fund the full season. Can you donate? Please visit our Go Fund Me page. --- Get started with Body Kindness Sign up to get started for free and stay up to date on the latest offerings --- Become a client Check out BodyKindnessBook.com/breakthrough for the latest groups and individual support sessions --- Subscribe to the podcastWe're on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify and iHeartRadio. Enjoy the show? Please rate it on iTunes! Have a show idea or guest recommendation? E-mail [email protected] to get in touch. --- Join the Facebook groupContinue the episode conversations with the hosts, guests, and fellow listeners on the Body Kindness Facebook group. See you there! Nothing in this podcast is meant to provide medical diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Individuals should consult a qualified healthcare provider for medical advice and answers to personal health questions.