#127 - Please Don't Screw Up Our Kids! Part 2: A Conversation About Food, Weight and Body Image with Virginia Sole-Smith of Comfort Food Podcast

Body Kindness - A podcast by Rebecca Scritchfield, RDN, Certified Exercise Physiologist

In this two-part episode, fellow anti-diet mom Virginia Sole-Smith and I discuss the ways in which culture sabotages parents, especially moms, by upholding unhelpful beliefs about food and weight. Tune in where we discuss how to handle unwelcome comments about our kids’ bodies or food choices, what to do when they say “fat,” and how to model body positivity. Plus I share some of my best tips for parents in setting boundaries with love and kindness. You’ll also hear me talk about the “back off” Lunch Box card by The Feeding Doctor, Katja Rowell, MD and I share my experiences with my kids eating at school. Links mentioned The Feeding Doctor’s Lunch Box “Back Off” note Leslie Schilling’s completed “back off” card on Facebook and available in Born to Eat book. Here’s a few of Virginia’s recent articles on higher weight fertility, higher weight eating disorders, and the Kurbo weight loss app for kids: New York Times Magazine: When You’re Told You’re Too Fat to Get Pregnant Elemental: Who’s Considered Thin Enough for Eating Disorder Treatment? New York Times: A New Weight Watchers App for Kids Raises Concerns Did you miss Part 1 of “Please don’t screw up our kids?” Virginia shares her rock bottom moment of what it took to finally give her daughter chocolate milk and why she had to unlearn much of what she learned from culture, her childhood, and her work as a writer and editor within the health and beauty industry. Listen to the episode and check out the show notes here. --- Get the Body Kindness book It's available wherever books and audiobooks are sold. Read reviews on Amazon and pick up your copy today! Order signed copies and bulk discounts here! --- Donate to support the show Thanks to our generous supporters! We're working toward our goal to fund the full season. Can you donate? Please visit our Go Fund Me page. --- Get started with Body Kindness Sign up to get started for free and stay up to date on the latest offerings --- Become a client Check out BodyKindnessBook.com/breakthrough for the latest groups and individual support sessions --- Subscribe to the podcastWe're on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify and iHeartRadio. Enjoy the show? Please rate it on iTunes! Have a show idea or guest recommendation? E-mail [email protected] to get in touch. --- Join the Facebook groupContinue the episode conversations with the hosts, guests, and fellow listeners on the Body Kindness Facebook group. See you there! Nothing in this podcast is meant to provide medical diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Individuals should consult a qualified healthcare provider for medical advice and answers to personal health questions.