#138 - Why being “ANTI-diet” is “pro” health with Christy Harrison, HAES dietitian, host of Food Psych podcast and author of Anti-Diet

Body Kindness - A podcast by Rebecca Scritchfield, RDN, Certified Exercise Physiologist

As more people become aware of words like “body positivity” and “anti-diet” it opens the door for confusion — what does it actually mean and is it really good for health? What makes something a “diet? Christy Harrison’s book Anti-Diet lays out the historical context of dieting and weight stigma, seeking to explain why not dieting at all is actually better for your health. We discuss why healthcare providers must examine how we oppress people operating in a weight normative model of care and how we can create a better, healthier world when we commit to anti-oppression. About ChristyChristy Harrison, MPH, RD, CDN is an anti-diet registered dietitian nutritionist and certified intuitive eating counselor based in New York City. She offers online courses and private intuitive eating coaching to help people all over the world make peace with food and their bodies. Since 2013 Christy has hosted Food Psych, a weekly podcast exploring people’s relationships with food and paths to body liberation. It is now one of iTunes’ top 100 health podcasts, reaching tens of thousands of listeners worldwide each week. Christy began her career in 2003 as a journalist covering food, nutrition, and health, and she’s written for major publications including The New York Times, SELF, BuzzFeed, Refinery29, Gourmet, Slate, The Food Network, and many more. Her forthcoming book, Anti-Diet: Reclaim Your Time, Money, Well-Being, and Happiness Through Intuitive Eating published by Little, Brown Spark is out now. Learn more about Christy and her work at christyharrison.com. Website | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Food Psych Podcast | Christy's book: Anti-Diet Christy’s previous appearance on Body Kindness: Episode 55: Resilience through an Eating Disorder with Christy Harrison --- Get the Body Kindness book It's available wherever books and audiobooks are sold. Read reviews on Amazon and pick up your copy today! Order signed copies and bulk discounts here! --- Donate to support the show Thanks to our generous supporters! We're working toward our goal to fund the full season. Can you donate? Please visit our Go Fund Me page. --- Get started with Body Kindness Sign up to get started for free and stay up to date on the latest offerings --- Become a client Check out BodyKindnessBook.com/breakthrough for the latest groups and individual support sessions --- Subscribe to the podcastWe're on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify and iHeartRadio. Enjoy the show? Please rate it on iTunes! Have a show idea or guest recommendation? E-mail [email protected] to get in touch. --- Join the Facebook groupContinue the episode conversations with the hosts, guests, and fellow listeners on the Body Kindness Facebook group. See you there! Nothing in this podcast is meant to provide medical diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Individuals should consult a qualified healthcare provider for medical advice and answers to personal health questions.