#92 - Talking About Food and Bodies in the Home with Anna Lutz, RDN
Body Kindness - A podcast by Rebecca Scritchfield, RDN, Certified Exercise Physiologist

In this episode, I’m talking about Body Kindness in the family with a fellow HAES dietitian and mom, Anna Lutz. You’ll hear us chat about topics like how to approach food at home that supports HAES and why it is never a good idea to label foods as good or bad, how to support kids of all sizes, how to talk about yourself and others' bodies with kids, how to talk to children about nutrition at a developmentally appropriate level. Anna is a Nutrition Therapist based in Raleigh, NC and she specializes in eating disorders and pediatric/family nutrition. She studied Psychology at Duke University and she has a .Master of Public Health degree in Nutrition from The University of North Carolina. Anna is passionate about family feeding and the non-diet approach in dietetics as well as how schools can “do no harm” in their nutrition education. She blogs at SunnySideUpNutrtition.com Don’t miss these topics on her blog: Raising Body Confident Kids and Variety - It's not Just about fruits and veggies. Follow Anna Website | Twitter @annalutzrd @sunnysideupnutrtionists | Instagram @annalutzrd @sunnysideupnutrtionists | Facebook @lutzandalexander @sunnysideupnutritionists --- Join me and Rosie Molinary for ConnectEnrollment for the next round of MEND is opening soon - it's my course on radical self acceptance with author of Beautiful You, Rosie Molinary. In this 6 week virtual workshop we'll focus on the process of building radical self acceptance. We will have a live call, Facebook group and videos with reflection material to do on your own time. In the meantime, we invite you to start with our FREE mini course -- Connect -- to help you befriend your body and begin to mend. Click here to sign up! We'll also let you know when MEND enrollment opens. --- September groups starting soon - HAES® Care for Diabetes ConcernsRegistration is open for the September HAES Care for Diabetes support groups! If you're worried about your diabetes or pre-diabetes risk or diagnosis, or other related metabolic-type condition and how best to care for yourself with nutrition, we can help. Get loads of support in a small group setting, with the goal of helping you feel good about your self care plans, led by myself and Glenys Oyston, RDN. Join us here. --- Support the show Thank you to our generous supporters! We are working toward our goal to fund the full season. Can you donate? Please visit our Go Fund Me page. --- You can subscribe to Body Kindness on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify and iHeartRadio. Enjoy the show? Please rate it on iTunes! - http://getpodcast.reviews/id/1073275062 Are you ready for Body Kindness? Get started today with my free e-course and on-demand digital training. Learn more - http://bit.ly/2k23nbT The New York Times Book Review calls Body Kindness 'simple and true'. Publisher's Weekly says it's 'a rousing guide to better health.' http://bit.ly/2k228t9 Watch my videos about why we need Body Kindness on YouTube. https://youtu.be/W7rATQpv5y8?list=PLQPvfnaYpPCUT9MOwHByVwN1f-bL2rn1V --- Enjoy the show? Please subscribe and rate it. Have a show idea or guest recommendation (even yourself!) E-mail [email protected] to get in touch. Join us on the Body Kindness Podcast Facebook group where you can continue the episode conversations with the hosts, guests, and fellow listeners. See you there! Nothing in this podcast is meant to provide medical diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Individuals should consult a qualified healthcare provider for medical advice and answers to personal health questions.