[Repost] #65 - So You Want to Talk About Race with Ijeoma Oluo

Body Kindness - A podcast by Rebecca Scritchfield, RDN, Certified Exercise Physiologist

Ijeoma Oluo's So You Want to Talk About Race is a great starting point for listening, learning and taking meaningful action.  I also recommend White Fragility by Beverly DiAngelo to any white person who wants to do better at creating change.    Books to talk to kids about race.   For race and health, I recommend Fearing The Black Body: The Racial Origins of Fatphobia. Dr. Sabrina Strings was on the Body Kindness podcast: Part 1, Part 2.   This episode was first aired in January 2018. Ijeoma Oluo wants us to talk about race. In her new book, So You Want to Talk About Race (Seal Press) she breaks down the barriers and explains, in simple terms and with lively examples, key concepts of privilege, intersectionality, microagressions, cultural appropriation, and more. In our podcast chat, Ijeoma helps us embrace the connections between body positivity, the anti-diet movement, and race and class issues that aren’t often discussed in these important spaces. Regarding intersectionality, she says “It’s the nature of privilege to prioritize the people at the top, whose needs are almost met. Intersectionality says that you pause and say ‘my needs are not the only needs’. Including the needs of less privileged people helps more people, not just a select few at the top.” She says “we live in a country that upholds the ideal that we aren’t allowed to talk about race and not talking is THE problem.” Ijeoma wants us to do what we can to look at everyday opportunities to create change in our culture. An editor-at-large at The Establishment, Ijeoma’s work has been featured in NY Magazine, The Guardian, The Washington Post, and more. She has talked about race on BBC, NPR and CBS Evening News, as well as in countless offices, universities, conferences, and internet forums. Follow Ijeoma: Website | Twitter | Instagram | Book --- Get the Body Kindness book It's available wherever books and audiobooks are sold. Read reviews on Amazon and pick up your copy today! Order signed copies and bulk discounts here! --- Donate to support the show Thanks to our generous supporters! We're working toward our goal to fund the full season. Can you donate? Please visit our Go Fund Me page. --- Get started with Body Kindness Sign up to get started for free and stay up to date on the latest offerings --- Become a client Check out BodyKindnessBook.com/breakthrough for the latest groups and individual support sessions --- Subscribe to the podcastWe're on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify and iHeartRadio. Enjoy the show? Please rate it on iTunes! Have a show idea or guest recommendation? E-mail [email protected] to get in touch. --- Join the Facebook groupContinue the episode conversations with the hosts, guests, and fellow listeners on the Body Kindness Facebook group. See you there! Nothing in this podcast is meant to provide medical diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Individuals should consult a qualified healthcare provider for medical advice and answers to personal health questions.