Jonathan Rolley - Media Strategy and the dirty laundry of the media planning world - S2 Ep4

Champagne Strategy - A podcast by Hybrency


Everyone client-side wants to know which channels or mediums they should be investing in. Because they want the ones which get the most ‘results’ for the lowest cost. Some will trust their vendor or agency to answer this question. But, if they want to know the real answer in a nutshell...well it depends. It depends on many factors. Factors which this episode will reveal - in detail. Jonathan Rolley from Direct Response Media, specializes in a branch of scientific media planning which focuses on customer outcomes (the response). In this interview we’ll uncover the mistakes many brands make (even the biggest ones) and you’ll learn how to choose more wisely when allocating your media budget. Along the way, we also uncover all the dirty, dark secrets of the media world which plague the typical agency client relationship. As well as challenge many myths and widely-held beliefs within the industry. How does human bias play a large role in which channels brands invest in? How do media agency planners hide higher-profit margin media inventory into your plan? How does increasing brand awareness not result in increased sales revenue? What step in the media planning process do most brands skip? What perverse incentives drive agencies to push certain media over others? This is a juicy interview and I ask many questions many are not game to answer. To his credit, Jonathan answers them all. Take the red media pill if you dare and listen to this episode.