Part 4 - What does a brand campaign do? 8 pros and 8 cons - S4 Ep20

Champagne Strategy - A podcast by Hybrency


Brain hurt score = 3/10. If you've been listening to the series so far, you should know what a brand campaign is, where they came from and how advertising and branding works. So what does a brand campaign do? Or not do? In part 4 of the Brand Campaign mini-series we explore 8 legitimate reasons for a brand campaign and 8 red-flags you need to be aware of. By the end of this episode you'll have a very robust filter through which to make an informed decision if you're considering buying into the idea of a brand campaign or rejecting it. 16 for and against reasons are given that include quotes, practical explanations and excerpts from interviews with practicing experts. At the end we summarize part 1 through to 4 and set the scene for the episode everyone wants to listen to - an analysis of Apple's famous Think Different brand campaign where everything you've learnt so far will be put into practice. But before we get to the protein, you need to eat your greens. Come on...have a nibble. What are you waiting for?