Dr. THOMAS D WILLIAMS, Briebert Rome Bureau Chief, warns of a coming Christian persecution, Churches burned, Christians beheaded. Faith communities driven underground. Brutal government crackdowns.
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Dr. Thomas D Williams has penned a hard-hitting and timely new book, The Coming Christian Persecution (Sophia Institute Press). A 2018 visiting research fellow for the Center for Ethics and Culture at the University of Notre Dame, Dr. Williams has written widely on theology, philosophy, ethics, and spirituality. He teaches theology at St. John’s University’s Rome campus and has done extensive media work, including serving as consultant and commentator on faith, ethics, and religion for NBC, CBS, and Sky News in the UK. He was appointed by the Holy See as spokesman for the synod of bishops in 1997 and again in 2001. Williams’s books include Who Is My Neighbor? Personalism and the Foundations of Human Rights and The World as It Could Be: Catholic Social Thought for a New Generation. He is also the author of the children’s book The First Christmas (Sophia Institute Press, 2022). According to recent reports, Christian persecution is rising globally and religious freedom is at major risk. Throughout the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and even in the West, Christian communities are being targeted for their beliefs, whether through violence or public policy, and it’s a trend that continues to escalate and is on our doorstep. In 2020, according to the World Watch List published by Open Doors, 340 million Christians were facing "high levels of persecution." As a response to these injustices, Dr. Thomas Williams, Breitbart Rome Bureau Chief penned a hard-hitting and timely new book that masterfully reveals the state of affairs in countries that systematically persecute Christians—The Coming Christian Persecution issuing March 21st.