A podcast by The Planet Club


178 Episodes

  1. SPECIAL: Archduke Edward Habsburg, Hungary's Ambassador at Vatican on averting demographic disaster, globalization & stunning insights on assassination of his ancestor, Archduke Franz Ferdinand & WW1

    Published: 12/18/2024
  2. Political consultant, DR LOUIS PERRON, has worked on dozens of campaigns globally from city mayors to presidents, offering 'proven strategies' to beat incumbents. He discusses Biden vs Trump & more.

    Published: 2/12/2024
  3. Dublin in Flames. Ireland, Sick Political Dog of Europe. Government Embarrassed. 'The current Irish government clearly cares more about praise from woke media than their own people,' says Elon Musk

    Published: 12/4/2023
  4. DR. WINSTON ALLEN: Founder of America's first black-owned brokerage, author, inventor, professor & mentor, led Xerox's global training program. He faced barriers. But his love of America endures.

    Published: 9/11/2023
  5. NEWARK'S COLLAPSE & AN EPIPHANY IN CONNEMARA: JACK CASHILL'S monumental new book on the tragic fall of his native NJ city. His true story of white ethnic flight from urban America

    Published: 8/22/2023
  6. EDUARD HABSBURG. Archduke of Austria, Hungary's Ambassador to the Holy See, offers his 7 Rules for Turbulent Times, explains Hungary's complicated relationship with the EU and its support for families

    Published: 8/15/2023
  7. RULE OF LAW: American Civil Society Faces Unprecedented Challenge — Yes, Preserving the Union. Plus, IRA WOLFE on harnessing team creativity and collaboration in era of remote work

    Published: 8/4/2023
  8. LONELY GENERATION: US Surgeon General Declares Loneliness a Health Crisis. JP Gance Communio's Scientific Study On Biggest Causes & Surprising Victims, Young Americans

    Published: 7/28/2023
  9. AGE OF THE DEMONIC: Priest & Hollywood legend, FR GABRIELE AMORTH, performed 60,000 exorcisms. He's named the Pope's Exorcist. Plus, Future Shock 2.0 w/Ira Wolfe

    Published: 7/15/2023
  10. RISE OF CONSPIRACY THEORIES: In a world of global disorder and financial chaos, suspicions of sinister cabals plotting anarchy and takeover are surging. Plus, FUTURE SHOCK 2.0 with IRA WOLFE

    Published: 6/10/2023
  11. JAMES BARLOW: At 20, he was an eBay power seller generating close to $1M in monthly sales. From humble beginnings, Philadelphia's BARLOW is founder of a 100+ person tech company & a multi-millionaire

    Published: 5/19/2023
  12. BILL DONOHUE: How the Ruling Class Is Killing the American Dream, Hurting Poor, Undermining Family with Bone-Headed Policies. Post-Modernist Nightmare Unfolds.

    Published: 5/4/2023
  13. EXCLUSIVE: Statistic Poverty Porn w/ DR STEVEN PAYSON on Extreme Global Hunger - How the World Bank & United Nations Measure It. Fake Economics, Exposed: Its Pervasiveness, Harmfulness & Prevention

    Published: 4/23/2023
  14. One of SADDEST DAYS in American History. Laughing Stock Abroad, As Trump Faces Soviet Style Show Trial. Doesn't Matter If He Is A Democrat or Republican. Plus, Chat GPT's Upside & Downside

    Published: 4/9/2023
  15. Dr. THOMAS D WILLIAMS, Briebert Rome Bureau Chief, warns of a coming Christian persecution, Churches burned, Christians beheaded. Faith communities driven underground. Brutal government crackdowns.

    Published: 4/1/2023
  16. GODFATHER Actor GIANNI RUSSO: His Life in the Movies and the Mob; Early Childhood in Little Italy; Surviving Polio; Vatican Bank Courier, Frank Sinatra, Marilyn Monroe. Dustup with MARLIN BRANDO.

    Published: 3/19/2023
  17. DR. CHARLES NEMETH: If Happiness Is So Universally Sought, Why Are So Many People Miserably Unhappy?

    Published: 3/16/2023
  18. It's a RECESSION! CEO reveals a hidden indicator and calls this an ugly downturn. Labor force expert, IRA WOLFE, digs deeper, sees an unusual recession as workers materially disappear!

    Published: 3/4/2023
  19. MARC SEAL, CEO, Sortium, on how Artificial Intelligence will seamlessly make today's world of work barely recognizable with the fastest pace of change in world history.

    Published: 2/26/2023
  20. DARSHAN PINDORIA, former monk turned psychologist in London, England, responds to question: Does West idealize human happiness? He talks about the negative 'cross comparative' impact of social media

    Published: 2/14/2023

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DIG LIFE DEEP! with John Aidan Byrne brings fascinating guests from Main to Wall Street and the worlds of finance, economics, politics, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, sports, art, science and more. The show celebrates success, a spirit of enterprise, in an age of unparalleled social upheaval. An award-winning Irish journalist in his beloved America, Byrne seeks hope for our existential crisis. Byrne is a writer, reporter, editor and Broadway alumnus. His work is published in the New York Post, Wall Street Journal, National Catholic Register, Institutional Investor and other major outlets.