4 Liftings Questions For Cyclists

EVOQ.BIKE Cycling Podcast - A podcast by EVOQ.BIKE - Mondays

a great email came in...it came in response to the lifting program that I promote. Hopefully these questions help you with your strength pursuits! 1. I see that your lifting plan does not include a hypertrophy phase or power phase (jump squats, power cleans, etc)? Why is this? Instead, it appears that post adaption phase, your lifting plan focuses primarily on building strength by emphasizing low rep sets for core exercises before transitioning into a maintenance phase. 2. is there a particular ratio of squat or deadlift weight I should be targeting relative to my body weight beyond which there are diminishing returns? Or, said differently, even if I can lift relatively heavy weights for a cyclist at an RPE of 8 (275lbs and 305lbs), should I? 3. Many traditional weightlifting programs have one heavy and one light session per week per core exercise (eg, squat, deadlifts and bench). Your weekly strength program makes this difficult because it recommends performing heavy squats and heavy deadlifts on different days throughout the week. So, since squats and deadlifts use many of the same muscles, one could argue that with your program one would be lifting many of the same muscles heavy twice a week. To this end, could one combine heavy squats and deadlifts on the same day earlier in the week and lighter squats and deadlifts variations later in the week? 4. Finally, My coach has me lifting after my hard interval days (currently 2x8 min FTP threshold intervals) twice per week. I'm finding that these Z4 intervals feel much more difficult than they should because of the fatigue I've accumulated from lifting heavy. If you were coaching me, would your instinct be to reduce my FTP while I'm lifting heavily or lift less heavy (say RPE of 6) so that I don't run the risk of failing the second interval? Thanks in advance for your thoughts on these questions! Here are some other resources to help you get faster, along with the strength program mentioned in the podcast. (All of which information can be FREELY acquired via our blog. This just eliminates the homework for those that don't have time to build their own training program.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Strength (No Rides): https://www.trainingpeaks.com/training-plans/cycling/tp-366410/evoq-strength-training-no-rides Full Blog With Training Tips: www.evoq.bike/blog Subscribe to Our Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/ggRc4n Follow Along on Strava: https://www.strava.com/pros/5889 EVOQ Training Packs: https://www.evoq.bike/training-packs TrainingPeaks Store Programs: https://www.trainingpeaks.com/training-plans/search?language=en&sort.field=soldCount&sort.dir=desc&keyword=evoq&index=0 Ketones, Delta G Tactical: https://www.deltagketones.com/products/g-tactical  CODE Brendan for 15% off Lactigo: www.lactigo.com/brendan   MORE WATTS and LESS BURN Airofit: https://www.airofit.com/?sca_ref=476545.3AVnm3vdGW Best Chamois Cream: https://www.hellobluecbd.com/, Code Brendan Cordyceps Mushrooms: www.realmushrooms.com, Code EVOQ.BIKE Best shades: https://www.julbo.com/en_us/ Donate to EVOQ.BIKE for all the Free Content: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=U3YMCAUEMQ4PC