Another Strength Training Perspective / Follow Up / Tips #324
EVOQ.BIKE Cycling Podcast - A podcast by EVOQ.BIKE

Hello Brendan, So here's my basic guidelines for ST and what works best for me: 1) Warm-up properly and include pre-lifting muscle engagement: light cardio, yoga, band work (hip flexors, glutes, hamstrings, lower back). 2). Learn proper lifting technique: posture, engagement of core, learn Olympic lifts or dynamic lifts with Kettlebells 3). Progessive overload: basic principle of lifting. Includes volume and complexity of exercises, NOT just increasing weight every session or week. Example: trying doing goblet squats on a bosu ball:) 4). Break down ST into essential exercises that will maximize your time and energy in the gym: 45 minutes max! 5). incorporate complex training: the idea behind this is to complete a near maximal lift (#4-8 reps of squat, deadlift, leg press) and then immediately move into a plyometric exercises (box jumps, tuck jumps) OR in the case of a cyclist who does not want to incur additional recovery time that comes with these exercises, perform a dynamic lift such as kettlebell swings with a moderate weight but with high explosive movement. The combination stimulates maximum fiber recruitment and IMO is more specific to cycling (sprinting). 6). On shorter sprint/power cycling training days, try incorporating a truncated lifting program BEFORE riding. This will stimulate your fast twitch fibers and will also teach you to produce power with form while in a fatigued state (start easy and short) I try to lift 1-2 days a week (occasionally 3). One day of heavier lifting (I never go so heavy that my form and speed of movement put me in a place where I may injure myself) and one day more of a circuit type of workout with very little rest between sets. or a pre-lift and short sprint/power ride day. Keys exercises that include in my program: 1). Trap bar deadlifts (I'm 6'3" and it puts less stress on my back and I heavy squats were as well) 2). Kettlebell swings 3). Hang cleans to overhead press (if you could find someone to teach you proper technique?) OR Single arm kettlebell push press (half squat into overhead press) 5). Single leg squat with foot on bench, lunges, or step-ups (single leg emphasis) 6). Goblet squats (sometimes on bosu ball to add complexity and balance work) 7). Single leg RDL's (romanian deadlifts) with kettlebell 8). Med ball slams (dynamic) 9). Renegade row (token upper body exercises:). Sometimes pushups and pullups or another form of pulling movement. 10). Hip bridge (single or double leg, isolate hamstrings/glutes)