Ashton Lambie Interview - Cycling Speed and Strength Training
EVOQ.BIKE Cycling Podcast - A podcast by EVOQ.BIKE

Check out the full EVOQ blog with tons of free training tips: If this content helps you out, please LIKE the video and SUBSCRIBE! We need your help! We charge you $0; the only currency we are asking for is SOCIAL SHARES. I got to catch up with Ashton who is training at altitude in Colorado right now for a couple of blocks. We touch on a TON of awesome topics, including: The science of lifting on the DAY OF A CYCLING EVENT! The term Potentiation came up, and he achieves this with Rack Pulls in the morning. What is he doing with altitude training in Colorado right now? What is a Brevet or Randonneuring? One big thing that he has found valuable in cycling training is Focusing on Time in Zone, not just average power for the duration…I love this. Don’t obsess about the drop in power from 20 seconds of coasting and then SLAM on the gas to bump the watts up more. What wins a bike race? Fastest Average Speed! What is he training for as we speak in November, since there is limited track access? Maybe the Hour Record! Ashton is now coaching with Strength Institute, we chat on this new chapter! ***Ashton dropped a couple F bombs that i didn't edit out, so please take notice if listening with kids.*** Also, what does Bahama Long Bottom mean? (Don't urban dictionary this term.) [email protected] Please share this!