Cycling Burst Interval Workouts

EVOQ.BIKE Cycling Podcast - A podcast by EVOQ.BIKE

Original Source: Full blog:  email questions: [email protected]   How many athletes do you see get dropped every time the surges come?   Burst workouts are a great workout to have in your cycling diet.   The bursts help you adapt to having to go out of one zone that is moderately intense, and surge, just like a bike race or group ride would do, but then give you the ability to fall right back into pedaling the bike.    You stay connected to the fast group, whereas others start to get gapped off, and then have to burn a match to get back on.  Having this capability allow you to ride with faster riders, and stay up towards the front.   One thing to note: it’s not the burst that is hard. All of us can ride at tempo or even threshold and sprint for 15 seconds at 120% FTP.  The hard part is going from 120% FTP back into 90-105%!! Watch the video, and I’ll highlight some files that show this.  Take a look at this video so you can make sure you're getting all of the benefits from threshold bursts so that you're next burst workout is optimized and as successful as possible.  Cycling Burst Workouts Start with tempo… 3 x 8 minutes at 88-90% FTP, with a 15s kick to 120% FTP every two minutes.  Elongate these out to however long you can ride tempo for. 2 x 20m, 2 x 30m, 1 x 45m, etc.  Sweet Spot bursts: same concept, except instead of tempo at 88-90%, ride at 92-94% and then burst. These aren’t easy! BUT SO FUN because you’re flying down the road!  Read for some cycling Threshold Bursts? Same concept, but ride at 98-105% FTP and then burst to 120%. These are hard, but they are a great FTP builder before you start smashing VO2Max interval blocks, and they will help you ride with people faster than you!!  Next time the strong riders burst and surge hoping to detach everyone, be one of the riders that sticks with the group!   Many times, it’s surviving the first bunches of surges where the strongest riders just want to jettison the weaker ones and whittle the playing field down. Only then, does the racing and tactics start.  Common Cycling Burst Errors Watch the video, but yes, we all feel mighty and strong in the first few bursts. Do not exceed 120%! That is not the point of this workout. If you can hit 120% for 20 minutes of bursts, GO LONGER.  Biggest error, is as mentioned, is not falling right back into the power zone that you just left. Focus on dropping the watts in a smooth manner.  Focus Paints Success.™ Execution of workouts is key! Get that extra 1% optimization of your time and intervals.  And yes, taking any and all kudos that you’re willing to share!