Cycling Training Craze, What Is Next? Block Periodization? We've seen Tabata, Sweet Spot, Keto, etc

EVOQ.BIKE Cycling Podcast - A podcast by EVOQ.BIKE

Maybe the new EVOQ kit!  Ha, joking, but get yours now!  We'd love to have you fly the flag for us!    We’ve had Tabata Intervals, Sweet Spot Training, Polarized Training, Keto Diets, Fasted Training, and Block Periodization sweep through. They can ALL have a small place in your training regimen, but we need to stop obsessing over one particular plan or style of training when we see gains.  Cyclists see a gain in something and then go FULL SEND with it. If one session is good, four is better, right!?  Made gains over one block with Training XYZ, I might as well do 3 blocks of this!   Let’s look at some of the crazes that come through and ruin cycling training plans, and then let’s discuss a basic, but applicable methodology.  I haven’t completed it, but so far:   * Consistency & Execution: Macro and Micro (overall consistency and hitting the workouts within the week)  * Athlete & Event Specific Workouts  * Experience & Science: (Learning On The Bike & Staying Current With Training Techniques)  * Varied & Alternate Stimulus: (not doing the same thing over and over and rotated pattern of training blocks based on Athlete and event listed above)  * Progression & Workload  Focus Paints Success.  Let me know what you think should be added to the methodology!  Comment below, and please subscribe to the channel! We are trying to hit 2,000 subscribers!  Thank you.  [email protected]