Reduction In Cycling Training Hours? Briefly Increase Intensity? Off The Bike Optimizations?
EVOQ.BIKE Cycling Podcast - A podcast by EVOQ.BIKE

Need to cut hours? Often times, we over exaggerate how bad the schedule will become. We overthink how big of a disruption this will become. How do I reduce volume without losing my hard earned fitness? **Make sure you look at how long the reduction will be!*** If it’s only 1-1.5 months time, that is NOTHING in the grand scheme of things! Maybe you just need to adjust the goals if the reduction of cycling training is a long term change. Can you do some more intensity in lieu of reducing the training hours? How would I maintain my fitness? What do to with the training week when 3 of 4 rides MUST be Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Saturday & Sunday Endurance Monday - OFFTuesday - Interval Banger Wed & Thurs - OFF Friday - Interval Banger Riding tired on Sunday will be great for endurance! Anaerobic work is extremely fatiguing, especially as a new cyclist. Focus on the aerobic energy system through endurance rides, threshold work and vo2max. Reduction of hours should not be addressed with higher intensity. How can you weave in some more of the cycling lifestyle when you can’t be on the bike? When you come back, look at how to make a one hour increase. Go from 11h to 12h! [email protected]