Steady Freddy: More Is Not Always Better or The Most Optimized Solution

EVOQ.BIKE Cycling Podcast - A podcast by EVOQ.BIKE - Mondays

Athlete Comments: warmed up with 3 sets of weighted squats to wake up my legs. - felt a bit groggy after a long day yesterday (home by 9.30pm). - legs felt good, was ready to rock and roll. Managed all 4 intervals fine. Last minute of each one is always tasty. - feel my legs are stronger, but want to build this up more. I think based on how this went integrating the following may help (just from feeling) a) more constant threshold efforts to get mental toughness back b) increase RPE of squat work and legs. c) do some burst exercises at XC ski too. ------------------ My Comments tasty lolol. a) would disagree here as too much of this can really, REALLY flatten you out. i think the over unders might be a better way to go.... b) i would stay steady here; this is when we want to pile on too much ,esp with skiing in the mix now. don't get greedy, but keep making gains c) be careful; you do not have the technique mastered. i would not overdo this. sorry to highly disagree with all these comments but it really looks like the classic "i'm seeing gains, let's do more!" Don't let the ambition get in the way of success. Steady Freddy.