Strength and Cycling: A Conversation Amongst Athletes, Part 2; Episode #214

EVOQ.BIKE Cycling Podcast - A podcast by EVOQ.BIKE

Thanks to everyone that chimed in for this one! Part 2 Topics Include: Assigning TSS to lifting sessions LIfting and cycling economy: Lower metabolic cost but increased Threshold and VO2 Power Motor unit recruitment: the balance of quads, glutes, and hamstrings in a cycling position Working in compromised conditions Sam Hausmann: From Rowing to Amateur Nationals Time Trial and Lifting Can you put out big weight but not see rewards? Glute bridges, clam shells, bands…part of the core work and stretching routines; also activation! James Walsh: 10 years of lifting and personal experience; when and where he puts the lifts in his schedule and why 2x a week to 1x a week lifting as you get into season If you’re new to lifting, will it take away from your cycling? Does lifting affect fatigue resistance in cycling? Thoughts on muscle cramps during racing when you aren’t strength training or slacking on the stretches, etc. Or nutrition, hydration, sodium levels…the group got quiet for a minute Not lifting on the recovery day. Don’t add more stress when you need to RECOVER! Lastly, you have to want to lift. You have to believe in the benefits or you’ll only do it half assed.