You Should Upgrade From Cat 4 / Anaerobic Contributions / Pre-Race Chat. It's Cat 4 Questions!!
EVOQ.BIKE Cycling Podcast - A podcast by EVOQ.BIKE I get so upset when Alex didn’t have a Podium Mindset! NO DISS ON CAT 5’s! BUT I want you to start believing in yourself that you can quickly move up to Cat 3/4 races…but we’ll get there. I LOVE These monthly Zooms with some higher level athletes with EVOQ. Alex was kind enough to let me share this with you, as I think there are some great lessons that so many of us can take from here. Even if you aren’t a Cat 4/5. Alex wanted to rip a one hour ride and it worked well with his Time Trial Ambitions. Let’s take a look at this. Then, CRIT LIFE. kind of outdated now that we have more insight of anaerobic contributions to power, but this still gets you in the ball park of FTP, albeit a touch high (unless your FRC is really low). VO2max measurement of a Cat 2…surprised this guy! Can Alex race and ride in the 3/4 race? How did 4/5 road races play out? Getting my butt kicked at my first GMSR….didn’t go to win Cat 2, upgraded ASAP to Cat 1 to get my teeth kicked in; so I could GET USED TO IT. Get experience with where you want to go! CRIT LIFE BASICS The start Rubber band Unlearning some bad habits Being super focused and consistent 3/4 Races should be raced a bit different than the Cat 4/5 Blob mentality. (again, no diss! Just how these things unfold quite often.) Is Alex actually going for the podium!? That mindset really ticked me off! Over-quantifying his “possibility of winning” Short Time Trial discussions