Financial Changemakers, Series 2 - Neurodiversity

Financial Changemakers - A podcast by Gretchen Betts - Mondays


Welcome to the Financial Changemakers podcast with Gretchen Betts – Managing Director at Magenta Financial Planning and Olivia Parnell – Coach, New Horizons, Voluntary Norfolk. This podcast series is for you if you are interested in learning about diversity and inclusion and are keen to embrace and make positive change in your life, business, management style or company ethos. In this fifth episode, hosts Gretchen and Olivia, discuss Neurodiversity with their guests ·        Emily Kenna – Director at Sense Risk Solutions ·        Tim Mann – Director of Blackfield Creatives CIC For Tim Neurodiversity means simply a ‘different functioning brain’. For Emily, the same, that the brain is wired differently to that of someone who may be ‘Neuro-Typical’. We discuss that our guests believe businesses are missing out on a huge trick is they are not Neurodiverse. Like those with physical disabilities, if the tools and solutions are put in place, (a wheelchair ramp for example) individuals can thrive. We all like to surround ourselves with people who are like us, naturally. So we struggle to be around those who are different, but we must learn to break down this ingrained characteristic. Between 15-40% of people are Neurodiverse, so if businesses are not looking at their workforce and actively seeking diversity, they’re not catering for the wider population. By not thinking the way that society does, businesses are limiting what they can offer to clients. Embracing differences can be a positive thing. It can feel uncomfortable for a lot of people. But as a business, it’s important that people are open minded and open to thinking about different ideas. Bringing neurodiversity into your workforce can only have a positive impact. Building in bridges to enable everyone to take part and everyone to come up with solutions. And to listen to the difference and not be intimidated by that difference. If you bring more differences into an organisation, some people may feel that they’re losing out. There may be less opportunities for those who previously have had the whole ‘playing field’. It’s tough to talk about, but society can only be a better place if more people are accepted into the working environment. Businesses would be more successful, more creative, and become more appealing to potential clients. It is extremely hard to get large organisations to embrace these changes, if it hasn’t been touched them. If individuals haven’t had an experience which has impacted them. For so many people, they struggle to embrace this topic. Key Take Aways from this episode We must all recognise that there is difference, rather than right or wrong. For those who have a neurodiversity, realise your own strengths. ‘They will try to teach you how to stop shining, and instead you must shine on.’ Don’t be put down by other people, trust yourself. Just because you’re the only one with that opinion, doesn’t make you wrong. Whilst you may not think that it affects your world. There are people around you, who don’t know how to reach out.  Help to make these people shine, help them to flourish. We’ve created a world where we expect everyone to fit into a box. And so when people don't we are fearful of that, be mindful and supportive. This podcast series is about creating a safe place for discussion and ultimately enabling you, our listener, to be a Changemaker. Let’s listen. Let’s Discuss. Let’s Learn. Let’s Implement Positive Change.