```TALK``` S5.E3 // The last of the human freedoms // Observing and choosing our response to stimulus through the gift of self awareness

Flow State with Bobby Lyte - A podcast by Bobby Lyte


In this episode, Bobby Lyte talks about the unique human gift of self awareness and our ability to choose our response to stimulus. He shares stories of Victor Frankl, whom, while in Nazi imprisonment, discovered what he called, "the last of the human freedoms". Understanding and practicing our use of this gift is the foundation of a life of autonomy and freedom. We are, whether conscious of it or not, responsible for our lives.

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Want access to bonus music, designed to help you focus, every week? Or interested in branded merch (stickers, coffee mugs, or hoodies)? Or do you just want to thank Bobby Lyte and buy him his favorite peppermint tea to help him focus?

You can do all of this and more at the Patreon page - check it out at: ⁠https://ourflowstate.com⁠.

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