#27: Q&A - All About Hunger

The Full Plate Podcast with Abbie Attwood, MS - A podcast by Abbie Attwood - Mondays

In this episode, we are diving into three listener questions on hunger. Abbie walks us through the science behind these questions along with some practical tips on navigating them, and both Abbie and Diane reflect on personal experiences with hunger in recovering from dieting and / or disordered eating.  Listener questions we answer:  "I love love love your podcast. I am getting more comfortable with eating a wide variety of foods, eating when hungry and having a different body. I do feel uncomfortably bloated many days. Is that normal when you expand your foods? Can this settle down or do I need to get comfortable with bloat?" “Now that I can eat whatever I want, not much sounds great and I go too long without eating. Do you have tips for how to navigate this?” “Why am I hungrier when I don’t sleep well or enough?” Studies of interest (please note TW for stigmatizing language, which is prevalent in the scientific literature): Rhythms of ghrelin, leptin, and sleep in rats: effects of the normal diurnal cycle, restricted feeding, and sleep deprivation Reductions in circulating anabolic hormones induced by sustained sleep deprivation in rats  Sleep loss reduces diurnal rhythm amplitude of leptin in healthy men  [Impact of sleep debt on physiological rhythms]